December Employee Spotlight: VANESSA PEDRONI

Meet Vanessa, our Key Employee from PURE taqueria Woodstock!


Vanessa is so sweet and nurturing to everybody. She carries herself with grace, we just think so highly of her.

-Woodstock Teammates

11 Questions with Vanessa


How did you find PURE taqueria?

I live in the area and would come eat here with my family. I started working here in March 2016. It's in the center of the town with a lot happening around here.

What's your favorite item on the menu?

Veggie tacos, Hangar Steak & Key Lime Pie!

What's your favorite drink on the menu?

Skinny Pomegranate!

What is your proudest moment at PURE?

My proudest moment was when I was asked to be Key Manager. I felt that my hard work was really recognized and that felt great! 

I also was put in charge of organizing the walk-in cooler and Steve, our owner, said it was the best he has ever seen.

Do you have any special talents?

I speak FOUR languages, Italian, English, Portuguese & Spanish. 

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I really like to snowboard and once a year my family takes a snowboarding trip to Italy together.

What is your happiest when?

I have two! First is when I graduated from Kennesaw State in 2015 with a Psychology degree and secondly, when all my applications were turned in for grad school.

I want to study Industrial Psychology. Hopefully at NYU!

If money wasn't a factor and you could choose to spend a day anyway you would like, what would you do?

I would buy an island in the Caribbean, live as a hippie & make jewelry. 

What is a goal you are currently working towards?

My main goal I am working on is getting into grad school. 

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Thailand! I have never been to Asia and I want to experience the culture. 

Do you have any favorite quotes?

"We see the world as we are, not as it is."




Thank you for reading more about our awesome Key Employee from PURE Woodstock, make sure you say hi next time you're there. We enjoyed learning more about Vanessa and hope you did too, stay tuned to see where we travel next month!

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